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Git server

The Git server provides a set of Git repositories hosted on the central cluster of the Factory+ installation and integrated with the Factory+ framework. Creating and removing repositories is managed via the Config Store, and authentication against the Git server is integrated with the Factory+ identity and authorisation framework.

Open Source Example

ACS Git server Component

See how the AMRC have implemented this component in the AMRC Connectivity Stack
View on Github


The Git server registers itself with the Factory+ Directory at startup. The service endpoints can be found via a Directory query for the Git service function UUID.

Git repositories are managed through the Config Store, by creating entries under the 'Git repository' application. If a repository is closely associated with another object (for example, an edge cluster) the UUID of that object can be used to identify the repo as well, otherwise a new object should be created under the 'Git repository' Config Store class.

Creating an Application entry causes the repo to exist; removing it again will remove all access to the repo. The history will not be lost, and recreating the repo with the same UUID will cause the previous history to reappear. It is possible to request that a particular repo automatically synchronises a branch from an external repo; this can be useful when the central cluster has external Internet access but the edge clusters do not.

HTTP interface

The Git server supports the standard Git protocol over HTTP, in addition to certain Factory+-specific endpoints. Authentication follows the normal Factory+ conventions: Basic or Negotiate will be accepted, or a Bearer token retrieved from the /token endpoint. Credentials are checked against the Factory+ Identity service and authorised via the Authorisation service.

Git repos are accessible by two different URLs. Access by UUID, normally used by machines, uses the URL path /uuid/{UUID}. Access by path, intended for human users and not used by the Factory+ components internally, uses the path /git/{path}, where {path} is the path property from the Config Store entry governing this repository. These two URLs will access the same repo, with the same history.

Loading OpenAPI Specification...
From: /spec/git.yaml

MQTT Interface

The Git server provides push change-notify over Sparkplug. The Git server does not use the Service Schema_UUID as service discovery over MQTT is deprecated. Instead, the top-level Node uses the 'Git server' schema, and the metric folders representing individual repos use 'Git repository'.

The Git server provides the following metrics:

Schema_UUIDUUIDIdentifies this as a Git server
Instance_UUIDUUIDThe UUID of this server instance
RepositoriesFolderMetrics for the repositories on this server

The Repositories folder contains another folder for each available repo, named by the UUID of the repo. These folders have these metrics:

Schema_UUIDUUIDIdentifies this as a Git repo
Instance_UUIDUUIDThe UUID of this repository
BranchesFolderMetrics named for the branches on the repo
Branches/{branch}StringSHA-1 of the commit at the head of the branch

The Git server will publish an NDATA packet every time a branch on a repository moves, whether as a result of auto-pull or as a result of a push from an authenticated client. The server will also rebirth every time a repo is created or removed.

Well-Known UUIDs

These well-known UUIDs are part of the core framework and all MUST to be registered with the Configuration Store component under the appropriate classes.

Configuration and discovery

Service Function
Git server
The Service UUID used for locating the Git server endpoints
Git repository
Configuration for a Git repository
Git repository
Stand-alone Git repository


Pull from repo
Permission to pull from a given Git repo
Push to repo
Permission to push to a given Git repo
Manage storage
Permission to permanently delete Git repos including all history

Permission Group
Git Permissions
Permissions recognised by the Git server

This group must be created in the Authorisation Component containing the permission UUIDs listed above.

Metric Schemas

Metric schema
Git server
Git server Sparkplug Node
Metric schema
Git repository
Change-notify for a particular repository