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Data Warehouse

The Data Warehouse component serves as the storage hub for all metrics, listening to all messages transmitted from the edge and persisting them in a structured format according to the appropriate schema.

Open Source Example

ACS Data Warehouse Component

See how the AMRC have implemented this component in the AMRC Connectivity Stack
View on Github


Similar to the MQTT Component, Factory+ does not prescribe a particular specification for the Data Warehouse Component; it only necessitates that any chosen solution be Sparkplug-compatible. While future developments may embrace or create a standard for accessing data from the Data Warehouse Component, the current method for data retrieval remains unique to each solution.

Nonetheless, there are several Factory+ specific considerations to bear in mind, such as access control.

Well-Known UUIDs

These well-known UUIDs are part of the core framework and all MUST to be registered with the Configuration Store Component under the appropriate classes.


Service Function
Data Warehouse
The server identity of the Data Warehouse Component that provides the service

Service Account
Data Warehouse
The client identity of the Data Warehouse Component used to communicate with other services


Data Warehouse
A Role for the Data Warehouse Component

The Data Warehouse role MUST be granted to the Data Warehouse Service Account (6958c812-fbe2-4e6c-b997-6f850b89f679) and have the following Permissions:

MQTT: Subscribe & Read Whole Namespace81833dbb-1150-4078-b1db-978c646ba73e
Commands: Rebirthfbb9c25d-386d-4966-a325-f16471d9f7be