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Configuration Store

The Configuration Store component serves as a framework-aware centralised repository for applications utilising Factory+ to store data, settings and other information associated with Factory+ entities. Storing data centrally facilitates the sharing of metadata among applications without duplicating definitions within applications and eliminates the need to incorporate the information in the Sparkplug birth certificate, which would result in size increments with each new metadata addition.

Open Source Example

ACS Configuration Store Component

See how the AMRC have implemented this component in the AMRC Connectivity Stack
View on Github


Config Store component entries are saved as JSON documents.

Every category of configuration within the database is distinguished by an Application_UUID. While these UUIDs typically identify configuration specific to an individual application, they can also represent generic data utilised by multiple applications.

The fundamental design concept for the Configuration Store component stipulates that any entry saved under a specific Application_UUID MUST adhere to a schema, ensuring that consuming applications can effectively utilise it. Additionally, it is feasible to store these schemas themselves directly in the component, enabling validation and allowing a universal editing application to generate accurate configuration entries.

Within the Configuration Store component, an entry can be stored for any object identified by a UUID specific to a given application. The various object types represented by UUIDs can be configured by the administrator, initially including Applications, Devices, and Schemas.

  • Applications, as defined above, can store global defaults using their respective Application_UUID.
  • Devices correspond to Sparkplug Devices; refer to the Directory component specification for information on locating a device's Instance_UUID.
  • Schemas pertain to Factory+ schemas as outlined in the Schema specification and are identified by the schema's Schema_UUID.

Application Schema Requirements

  • Application schemas MUST use the 2020-12 draft version of JSON schema, i.e. the schema itself should have the "$schema": "" top-level property.
  • Schemas MUST include an $id field with the value urn:uuid:{Application_UUID}, (e.g. "$id": "urn:uuid:64a8bfa9-7772-45c4-9d1a-9e6290690957").
  • Schemas should also include a title and description for the whole schema, and a description for every property, as this information may be used in future to build an editing interface for the config information.
  • It is advisable to include "additionalProperties": false on object definitions otherwise the schema will allow random extra properties. This will make extending the schema in the future without invalidating existing data much harder.

MQTT Interface

To conform with the Component Specification, the Directory component MUST publish the following metrics:

MetricTypeA config entry has changed for:
ApplicationUUIDAn application
DeviceUUIDA device
SchemaUUIDA schema

The Application metric will have A published to it for updates to both /v1/app/A/... and /v1/app/.../app/A, i.e. both updates to this app's configuration and updates to configuration about this app.


Note that while it is currently the case that an update to /v1/app/A/device/D will publish A to Application and D to Device in the same Sparkplug packet, this is explicitly not guaranteed. Sparkplug does not allow assumptions to be made about any relationship between metric values published in the same packet.

HTTP Interface

Except for the /ping endpoint, all endpoints for the Configuration Store component are located under the /v1 path to allow for forwards compatibility.


All requests MUST supply HTTP authentication; the following mechanisms are supported:

MechanismAuthentication info required
NegotiateA Kerberos GSSAPI token.
BasicUsername and password for a password-based Kerberos principal.
BearerA token from the /token endpoint.


Loading OpenAPI Specification...
From: /spec/configuration-store.yaml

Well-Known UUIDs

These well-known UUIDs are part of the core framework and all MUST to be registered with the Configuration Store component under the appropriate classes.


Service Function
Configuration Store
The server identity of the Configuration Store Component that provides the service

Service Account
Configuration Store
The client identity of the Configuration Store Component used to communicate with other services

Permission Groups

Permission Group
Configuration Store
A permission group that contains all of the Configuration Store permissions

This group must be set up in the Authorisation Component to contain all the permissions below.


Read Configuration for Application
Permit reading config entries for the given Application

This permission grants the right to read config entries. The target specifies an Application; all config entries for that Application can be read.

Write Configuration for Application
Permits writing config entries for the given Application

This permission grants the right to write config entries for a given application. Entries can be created, but only against objects which are already registered with the Configuration Store.

Manage Application Schema
Upload a JSON schema for a given Application

This permission allows the PUT /v1/app/{app}/config-schema endpoint to be used. This endpoint sets the JSON schema against which an Application's entries are validated.

Manage Objects
Grants permission to create objects in a given class

This permission allows objects to be created. The object must be created in a class which has been granted as target of the permission; or the permission may be granted wildcard to allow any class.

This permission also grants the right to list the classes in question.

This permission does not allow objects to be deleted; that is destructive and is not normally appropriate, so it has a separate permission.

Delete Objects
Grants permission to delete objects

This permission grants the right to delete an object. It should be granted sparingly; normally once a UUID has been allocated to a given object it is worth keeping a permanent record of that fact.

The target of the permission must be the object to be deleted (or an Authorisation Component group containing that object).

Class Definitions

Class definitions are the core building blocks of the Configuration Store component. Every object known to the Store belongs to exactly one class; there is no inheritance. The class indicates what kind of real-world object the UUID represents; often this indicates to applications and services consuming the UUID what operations can be performed on that object.

Some classes of UUID are used internally by the Configuration Store. Some others are also defined here as they are generally useful across all components.

Class Definition
Class Definition
Classes of UUID known to the Configuration Store

The class definition for the Class Definition class itself. All other class definitions belong to this class.

Class Definition
The wildcard UUID

It is useful to be able to register configuration against this UUID, even though it doesn't represent any real-world object. As such it is defined as a class definition.

Objects must NEVER be created using this class.

Class Definition
Application UUIDs used by the Configuration Store

UUIDs registered with this class can be used in the /app/{app} endpoints to store config information. A UUID of this class represents a particular schema of config information.

Class Definition
Service Function
Well-known UUIDs representing F+ service definitions

These UUIDs represent the Factory+ Components. Component implementations publish these UUIDs to indicate that they conform to a particular component specification.

Class Definition
Metric Schema
Factory+ Metric Schema

UUIDs of this class represent metric schemas defined under the Factory+ Data Schemas specification.


Object Registration
Registration of a UUID within the Configuration Store

These entries are created by the POST /v1/object endpoint. They cannot be created directly, as an entry for the object must exist before the /app/{app}/object endpoint can be used.

Entries have a single property, class, indicating the class of the object.

General Object Information
Information to help human users identify objects

These are intended for display to human users in user interfaces to help the user understand what object is being referred to and should be brief (no more than a few words).

Entries MUST have at least the following properties (this is likely to be extended in the future).

namestringYesA name for the object
locationstringNoThe physical location of the object
photostringNoA base64-encoded photo
contactarrayNoAn array of contact information

The contact property contains contact information for the people responsible for the object. The array contains objects with these properties:

namestringYesThe name of a responsible person
emailstringYesTheir email address

Sparkplug Address Information
The Sparkplug address used by an object

Where an object has a pre-defined Sparkplug address, entries with this application can be used to allow this address to be looked up. Under the current architecture Sparkplug Nodes have fixed addresses and require entries of this type. Sparkplug Devices are discovered via the Directory and do not normally need these entries.

Entries of this type are used by the MQTT component to define ACLs, and by the Commands component to authenticate escalation requests.

Entries have the following properties:

group_idstringYesThe Sparkplug Group ID
node_idstringYesThe Sparkplug Node ID
device_idstringNoThe Sparkplug Device ID


Global Application Configuration

The global application configuration can be managed via the /v1/app/{Application_UUID}/config endpoint. For compatibility reasons. This accepts GET, PUT and DELETE requests and is exactly equivalent to /v1/app/{Application_UUID}/app/{Application_UUID}.

Managing Applications

Before configuration can be stored for a particular application, the Application_UUID MUST be registered with the service. The following endpoints are available for this purpose.

Get All Applications

// Returns an array listing all the known app UUIDs.

GET /v1/app

Registering and Updating Applications

// Registers a new application or updates an existing registration.

POST /v1/app

When making a POST request to register a new application the body should be an object with the following properties:

uuidThe Application_UUID.
nameA human-readable name for the application.

Get Application Information

// Retrieves information about a particular application.
// e.g. GET /v1/app/123-456

GET /v1/app/{Application_UUID}

Delete Applications

There is currently no endpoint to delete applications. This is potentially a very destructive operation as it would need to delete all configuration entries stored against that Application_UUID.

Application Configuration Schemas

Getting Schemas

The schema used by an application to store its configuration entries can be accessed by making a request to the following endpoint. This request will return 404 if no configuration schema has been registered for a particular application.

// Get the schema for an application's configuration
// e.g. GET /v1/app/123-456/config-schema

GET /v1/app/{Application_UUID}/config-schema

Creating Schemas

This request will only accept a new schema if all configuration entries currently in the database for that application validate against the new schema. If this validation step fails the endpoint will return a status code of 409 Conflict, with a JSON array body listing all the Instance_UUIDs for which validation failed. This will include the Application_UUID itself if validation failed for the application's global configuration.

// Create a new schema for an application's configuration
// e.g. PUT /v1/app/123-456/config-schema

PUT /v1/app/{Application_UUID}/config-schema

Per-Object Configuration

The following endpoints for per-object configuration contain a component identifying the kind of object being referred to. This component should be

Object kindComponent

Getting Configuration for All Objects

// Get a list of all the objects which have configuration entries for a particular application
// e.g. GET /v1/app/123-456/device

GET /v1/app/{Application_UUID}/{object_type}

A request to the above endpoint would return an array of object UUIDs.

Managing Configuration for a Specific Object

// Get the configuration for the specified object
// e.g. GET /v1/app/123-456/device/abc-def

GET /v1/app/{Application_UUID}/{object_type}/{object_uuid}
// Create a new configuration for the specified object
// e.g. PUT /v1/app/123-456/device/abc-def

PUT /v1/app/{Application_UUID}/{object_type}/{object_uuid}
// Delete the configuration for the specified object
// e.g. DELETE /v1/app/123-456/device/abc-def

DELETE /v1/app/{Application_UUID}/{object_type}/{object_uuid}

If a schema is registered for the application and an entry supplied does not validate then a 403 status code is returned.