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The Commands Component offers a mechanism for clients to request Sparkplug command (NCMD/DCMD) messages be issued to other clients, given appropriate authorisation. The Sparkplug specification indicates that only the Primary Application is responsible for transmitting commands, but the precise methodology and timing for this process are not explicitly defined. It is inferred that applications must interface with the Primary Application to request commands and as such the Commands Component provides the implementation for this specific aspect of the Primary Application's functionality.

Open Source Example

ACS Commands Component

See how the AMRC have implemented this component in the AMRC Connectivity Stack
View on Github


MQTT Interface

Ensure topic ACLs are configured correctly

Command requests via the Sparkplug interface are authenticated on the basis of the Node address they are sent from. The address is looked up in the Configuration Store, and the UUID of the entry is treated as the principal to authorise. This relies utterly on the MQTT ACLs being set up appropriately (e.g. if Node A has permission to publish to the DDATA/NDATA topics of Device B then it could imitate a command request).


  • The Commands component MUST listen to all DATA topics
  • Any DATA packet containing a metric named Execute_Remote_Command (at the top level) MUST be treated as a command escalation request
  • Any Node that wishes to publish the Execute_Remote_Command metric MUST advertise it in its birth certificate
  • DATA packets MUST NOT use aliases
  • Requests MUST be sent entirely in a single Sparkplug packet


The metric MUST be of Template type. The Commands component SHOULD NOT check the templateRef or version fields. The template MUST have the following fields:

Receivers_Group_IDStringGroup ID to send a command to
Receivers_Edge_Node_IDStringNode ID to send a command to
Receivers_Device_IDStringDevice ID to send a command to, or an empty string
Tag_PathStringMetric name to send in the command
Tag_ValueStringStringified metric value to send
Command_TimestampDateTimeTimestamp the request was sent

Publishing the Command_Timestamp metric should be considered the point at which the request is actually submitted; i.e. the timestamp metric should be sent last.


The command is authorised on the basis of the Node address it was received from. The principal of the command requester MUST be looked up in the Configuration Store under the Sparkplug Address application (8e32801b-f35a-4cbf-a5c3-2af64d3debd7) and the resulting UUID sent to the Authorisation component as a principal.

  • If the command is authorised then a Sparkplug CMD MUST be sent to the requested device
  • The ACL entry MUST include a type
  • The Commands component MUST issue a CMD to the requester updating the metrics Remote_Command_Response.


A Template type, with a templateRef of Command_Response_Template and the following fields:

Receivers_Group_IDStringGroup ID of the requested command
Receivers_Edge_Node_IDStringNode ID of the requested command
Receivers_Device_IDStringDevice ID of the requested command, or an empty string
Tag_PathStringMetric name of the requested command
ResponseStringResponse message
  • The Response field MUST be OK if a command was successfully sent. Other values for Response MUST NOT be depended on.


The Sparkplug interface of the Commands component has the following known limitations:

  • The component will not notice or care if the requesting Node has not advertised the request or response metrics in its birth certificate
  • The component will not notice or care if the receiving device is offline or if it has not advertised the requested metric

HTTP Interface

Except for the /ping endpoint, all endpoints for the Configuration Store component are located under the /v1 path to allow for forwards compatibility.


All requests MUST supply HTTP authentication; the following mechanisms are supported:

MechanismAuthentication info required
NegotiateA Kerberos GSSAPI token.
BasicUsername and password for a password-based Kerberos principal.
BearerA token from the /token endpoint.


Loading OpenAPI Specification...
From: /spec/commands.yaml

Well-Known UUIDs

These well-known UUIDs are part of the core framework and all MUST to be registered with the Configuration Store Component under the appropriate classes.


Service Function
Commands Component service function

Service Account
The client identity of the Commands Component used to communicate with other services

Permission Groups

Permission Group
A permission group that contains all of the Commands permissions

This well-known UUID represents the list of permissions the Command Component will request from the Authorisation component. It is important that any permission UUIDs created to grant rights to request particular commands are added to this group.


The Commands component supports an expandable set of permissions, where each permission represents a particular set of metrics that can be authorised. The target of the permission in every case is the device receiving the command.

All permissions for the Commands Component MUST be members of the above Commands permission group. Each permission MUST have an entry in the Configuration Store under the Commands application. This entry defines the metrics which are permitted, and consists of an array of objects with name and type fields. The name is required, and gives the metric name. The type is optional, and should be specified as one of the type names defined in the Sparkplug specification.

If the type is not specified, any type may be sent. It is up to the receiving device to decide what to do if the type is not correct. Escalation requests not specifying a type (including all received via MQTT) will default to Boolean if no type is specified in the ACL entry.

Allow a Sparkplug rebirth request to be sent to the target

This well-known permission grants access to request a rebirth from a Sparkplug Node or Device. This needs to be created with a Command Escalation Configuration Store entry as follows:

"name": "Node Control/Rebirth",
"type": "Boolean"
"name": "Device Control/Rebirth",
"type": "Boolean"

Reload Edge Agent Config
Allow the request of an edge agent to reload its configuration

This well-known permission grants access to request an edge agent to reload its configuration, usually because the configuration has changed. This needs to be created with a Command Escalation Configuration Store entry as follows:

"name": "Node Control/Reload Edge Agent Config",
"type": "Boolean"


A Role for the commands component

The Commands role MUST be granted to the Commands Service Account (23d4e8f9-76c0-49d5-addc-00b6ac05ee58) and have the following Permissions:

Subscribe & Read Whole Namespace81833dbb-1150-4078-b1db-978c646ba73e
Issue Global Commands50f1e694-7e18-4930-aa59-97cc90a6a1ec


A Configuration Store Application that stores the commands permitted by a given permission

UUIDs created to grant Commands permissions require a Configuration Store entry of this type to define the meaning of the permission. All such permissions MUST be added to the Commands permission group defined above or the Commands component will not see the ACEs.

Entries MUST take the form of a JSON array of objects. Each entry in the array specifies a particular Sparkplug metric which may be updated by the client granted the permission. The object for each metric may have the following properties:

namestringYesThe full metric name
typestringNoThe Sparkplug type of the metric

The type is represented as one of the names used for metric types in the Sparkplug specification. If the type is omitted, any type may be sent.

Sparkplug Address Information
A Configuration Store Application that stores the Sparkplug address used by an object

The target of an ACE will be looked up in the Configuration Store under this application. This means static entries will need to be created for Sparkplug Devices intended as Commands targets.

This application is documented more fully in the Configuration Store documentation.